Swimming Pool Waterproofing

Swimming Pool Waterproofing

Project Showcase
Swimming Pool Waterproofing
Swimming Pool Waterproofing
Swimming Pool Waterproofing
Swimming Pool Waterproofing


A number of swimming pools of summer residences and hotels at Halkidiki were painted and protected either with a special micromolecular pool paint, Domoreflect Pool or with a 2K aliphatic polyurethane pool paint, Domoreflect Pool PU2K. Domoreflect Pool is a water-soluble coating with modified acrylic and polyurethane resins, highly resistant in direct and permanent contact with water. Domoreflect Pool PU2K is specific for exterior and interior pools and offers protection and mechanical strength without being affected by direct sunlight.
Product categories used
Building Interiors & Finishes
Products used
Domoreflect Pool, Domoreflect Pool PU2K

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